Monday, September 8, 2008

First Day of School!

Stella and Ruby both had their first day of preschool today. This being Stella's third year of preschool, there was no anxiety, only excitement. She walked right in, without turning around, just as I expected. I thought Ruby would cry, or at least be a little nervous, since she has never been away from me. She walked right into her classroom and started doing an art project without even saying "goodbye" to me. When I picked her up, she was so thrilled to tell me about her day. She is so proud of her art project, and has been singing a little song, and talking about school since we got home. It was a little strange for me to drop both girls off at school- I have 2 hours that they are both gone, and I honestly wasn't quite sure what to do with me time, since I haven't really had any free time for 4 1/2 years, but I'm sure I will be able to figure it out!