Wednesday, April 2, 2008


What am I going to do with this little girl? When I say she is obsessed with dresses, she truly is. She will only wear dresses, she is very particular with the color from day to day. She gets mad if they come above her knees; she will walk around the house screaming and crying, while attempting to pull them down to her feet. She is so serious about her dresses that she even sleeps in them, absolutely refusing to even wear pajamas. What am I going to do with all of her other clothes? Hopefully, this is just a passing phase.


cara said...

K that is so funny, she is so cute, when i was little my parents said i had a sock obsession, and i would pull them and pull them up so hard that they would rip in the toe. and my mom says i would walk around the house crying and screaming cause i couldn't get them up high enough.. she'll get over it, i did. :)